點擊次數:490 發(fā)布時間:2009-11-24
These are common industry terms and abbreviations
These are common industry terms and abbreviations
AC | 交流電 Alternating Current |
ALL IRON | 全鐵結構 All-Iron Construction |
AMER STD | 美國標準 American Standard |
AMS | 自動化工程師協會的航空材料規(guī)范 Aeronautical Material Specifications of the Society of Automotive Engineers |
APPROX | 近似值Approximate |
ASME | 美國機械工程師協會 American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ASTM | 美國實驗材料協會American Society of Testing Materials |
ATM | 大氣,空氣 Atmosphere |
BB | 螺栓閥蓋 Bolted Bonnet |
BLR | 鍋爐 Boiler |
B/M | 材料清單 Bill of Material |
BTU | 英國熱量單位 British Thermal Unit(s) |
C | 攝氏度 Degree Centigrade |
CxC | 銅對銅 Copper to Copper |
CDA | 美國銅開發(fā)協會 Copper Development Association |
COND | 冷凝器 Condenser |
COP | 銅 Copper |
CSA | 加拿大標準協會 Canadian Standards Association |
CV | 止回閥 Check Valve |
CWP | 冷水工作壓力 Cold Working Pressure |
CYL | 圓柱體氣缸 Cylinder |
DC | 直流電 Direct Current |
DD | 雙閥瓣 Double Disc |
EXP VLV | 膨脹閥 Expansion Valve |
F | 華氏溫度 Degree Fahrenheit |
FF | 平面 Flat Face |
FtoF | 面對面 Face to Face |
FM | 表示產品已經美國工廠相互保險研究所認證 Indicates product has been approved by Factory Mutual Laboratories |
F/S | 安全因素 Factor of Safety |
FSPS | 內螺紋標準管道口徑 Female Standard Pipe Size |
FT LB | 英尺磅(功的單位) Foot Pound |
GPH | 加侖/小時 Gallons Per Hour |
GPM | 加侖/分鐘 Gallons Per Minute |